How did Mr. Issac get started? What is his motivation?
Santhosh Children’s Home was started in 2004 by Mr. Isaac with fifteen children. When Mr. Isaac worked in Nagaland in 2000-01 and had traveled in North East India, he observed that many children had problems even when they were very young. When he started Santosh Children’s Home, he decided to take in children from North East India as well in order to ensure they grew up disciplined and well educated.
How does he find the children (or children find him)?
The Charity takes in orphans, as well as children from families that are unable to provide for themselves. Most of the children come through referrals by colleagues or friends.
Why is it called "Santosh Charity"?
Santosh was the first child that Mr. Isaac started the charity with.
I would like to visit Santosh Charity.
The children would be delighted to meet our sponsors.
Santosh Charity is located in the south-east side of Bangalore, off of Sarjapur Road after the railway crossing. After you see the new school S. Patricks on your left, take the next right into the tarred road. Please call Isaac for exact directions.
A map location is here: http://www.google.com/mapmaker?ctype=0&ll=12.893672,77.719603&spn=0.010186,0.020084&z=16